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A Busy Month and it’s going to get busier!

Installing the glass

Staining the roof beams

The plastering process left plaster splatters everywhere. As this floor is about to be tiled, I have been cleaning the beams and staining them. The curved tiles between the wooden beams (bobadillas) are the traditional Spanish style. They have been plastered over and we will leave them white. Suddenly the room starts to look finished! 

The window supplier has been installing the glass in the windows. This is fantastic as it is a key step to making the house secure and to stop the wind blowing through the house. This is the largest window pane and weighs 120kg. It was very scary watching the team move them into place. They are even more spectacular than we had hoped.

Installing the glass
Installing the window frames

We have chosen to use steel window frames for some of the windows to give a more contemporary style. For the big windows these are very heavy and needed a crane plus five people to get them into place. They do look fantastic.

We had been wondering what the waste water treatment system would look like. Here it is – very big and very orange! It is a modern waste treatment system as required by current regulations. Apparently the water that comes out is clean enough to drink though I´m not sure we will be testing this……

Waste water management
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